Monday, March 23, 2009

uyah haseum cangkang

itu nama masakannya kak *makasih yeee udah bikin gue tambah homesick*

kenapa dinamain uyah haseum cangkang...hmmm, mungkin karena isinya kulit (cangkang) melinjo yang udah merah2, dimasaknya pake asem (haseum) jawa sama garem (uyah)...hihihhi, emang ada sayur ga pake garem??bumbu laennya ga begitu inget, tapi pastinya ada bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah, gula jawa, terasi.

ini sayur khas daerah mana ya?yang pasti kalo di daerah rumahq (serang, banten) bahan2nya gampang dicari, di bibi2 sayur aja ada koq....biasanya ada juga kalo syukuran2, buat bawaan (kalo orang serang namanya besek *bukan idung besek lho ya*)

ini salah satu sayur favoritqu..well dulu sich, sekarang jarang makan, soalnya takut asem urat, xixixixixi...mamah papah sih iya...tapi masa aq juga jadi ga bisa menikmati *anak tak tau diri, tak tau diuntung*

paling enak makan sayur ini ditambah tempe or tahu bacem, dengan nasi putih panas2, sambel goreng..hmmm..nyamm..oiya jangan lupa lalapannya duonks..daun kemangi juga okey..

waks..jadi laper *ngelap iler*

hihi, barusan temenq nanya....."tey, uyah mah asin atuh", "tey, sayur haseum...sayur basi yah"
sabar2..tenang2..nanti aq buatin deh, kalo ketemu..wakakakak

piteys...terinspirasi curhatan si kaka yg tiba2 pengen makan inih...huh...sebel...jadi pengen kan...

Friday, March 20, 2009

(home) sick

when feeling this kinda (ill) thing in my body

all i want is to be hug, my mothers hug is very healing

when feeling this kinda (hurt) thing in my mind

all i want to is to share it with mo mother, her advices is the best

when feeling this kinda (bad) thing in my day

all i want to is cry on my mothers shoulder, she will say "everythings gonna be okay" and thats it, my bad day just fade away

when feeling this kinda (tired) thing in my life

all i want is my mother to sing to me, or "ngaji" for me....beautiful voices of hers make my tired gone sick...very (home) sick

Sunday, March 08, 2009


My first roommate was...hmm...embher, komeng , and choez....yup..its them alright...
well, its not like we stay in the same room, but its bcoz im the one who always stays in their room...they beg me for that...hihihihi (is there any english version for this hihihihi thing?)

im i guys?*cursed to be like malin kundang by them*

With embher..usually we'd go till late night (not really that late i guess... since there's Mr. Yon who always guard the gate whenever we came late...wakakakak).

With choez...we usually stay up till late just to finish those comic books we have to return the next day...mmm...dragon ballz?we eat those up like only in about 5? or 6 hours? ( us freak!!!).

Komeng?! well...make some coffee with cold water (she did it!! not not that clumsy..xoxoxo) and watch movies in the living room till Mr. Yon's mom wakes up and tease us with her crazy very scary, u just can't tell how scary it was....hahaha

The next rommate was, maul....little girl who have the guts more than preman-preman in pulogadung terminal...*forgive me God for telling this truth..protect me from her...:P* .
With maul, we have some special moments...lost our undewears almost everytime we washed those thing...hahahaha....hearing people crying, laughing, kissing (not really entertaining u see..those sounds just so..iyuuuch) and get kicked and almost punched coz trying to help someone...fyuuuh.

MJ, she's a really cool roommate (i say this so i wont be asked to NGESANG with her...ugh!!!!)
what she do all day is sleeping...believe that?!sleeping?!!! hihihi...not really..she likes to read comics too, and play cards...we often force other people (but they really like to be forced..believe me they do!!!khakhakha...or they will be asked to ngesang by MJ) to play cards almost every night.

This one is another comic freak roommate, Gigi....yup...we know each other bcoz i borrow her library member card (its a comic rental actually..hihihi), and decided that we should be together as roommates to make it works (why it sounds like we decided to live together as straight..totally straight u guys!!!! me!!!! i'll have to kill u if u dont trust me!!!!).

Last but not least...i'd like to thank my mother and father..i wouldnt be standing here if it wasnt for what they've done *acting like standing in front of lots of actors for getting an oscar*. Last but not little beloved sister...yup, she was my best roommate, know why? coz whenever the room become so messy..i just force her to clean it up, whenever i get hungry..i just force her to come with me to buy some food and eat it together, whenever im bored..i just force her to come with me to go to the movie......hahahahahaha *laughing loud and scary*.

No, not because of those things that make her the best...its because i really love one and only sister...who always there for me when i have lots of money, and dump me whenever im sucks....hihihihihi......

But now i dont have any roommate, really is sucks...not having someone to talk with, to play with, to spend the rest night with, to go somewhere with....aarrgghh...

Wonder who will be my next roommate..hmm..will it be the guy with the M...or whithout the M?hihihihihi *that annoying laugh again*. Pray for me will be the guy with the M *plopped to aligators pond by Ree and Is*.

piteys...waiting for the next roomate

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

movie of the week

-He's Just Not That Into You-

Cerita tentang sekumpulan pria-wanita umuran 20-30an sumtin, dengan segala permasalahan percintaan mereka...
Yang cewe2...ada yang selalu salah baca sign dari cowo, ada yang maksa pengen nikah, ada yang gangguin suami orang, ada yang kena perangkap cowo brengsek.....
Yang cowo2...ada yang suayang setengah mampus tapi blom siap komitmen, ada yang suayang setengah idup tapi bagai pungguk merindukan bulan, ada yang maen2 dengan cewe akhirnya kena batunya, ada yang kemakan sama omongannya sendiri.....
Awalnya, pilm ini agak boring, karena terlalu complicated dengan banyaknya karakter...saling berhubungan pula....

Tapi di seling2 kerumitan itu, banyak scene2 lucu...selain itu, aktor dan aktris dalam pilm ini semua okeh (menurut gue sih). So, overall pilm ini worth to be watched lah..hehe...btw di cerita inih...ada yang aq banget... *nyebur ke laut dalem*

piteys...pengen nonton lagi