Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bryan Adams

aiiih...suka banget dech sama lagu2nya Bang Bryan ini..dah lagi suaranya yang aga serak2 ituh, ya mpyuun..sekseeeeh

beberapa waktu lalu, aq dikirimin lagunya si abang yang judulnya "I'll always be right there"...
owmaigod.....beautiful, bagus banged....kelepek2 kali yah kalo ada cowo nyanyiin ini buat aq..*ngelap air liur*

trus laguna "cloud number nine", kalo ga salah ini dinyanyiin waktu karoke perpisahan aq sama indul deh..duch..romantis euy..walaupun agak nge-beat

ada lagi, "have you ever really love a woman"
ini lagu seakan memuja wanita sekali (ato memang begitu yach?)...iiiich abang Bryan....cinta deh aq padamyu..

"i would fight for you, i lied for you, walk a mile for you..i die for you"
hehehe.....si abang doang nich yang mau gini ke cewe, walopun boong banget sich..tapi siapa coba yang ga terbang dinyanyiin ini "everything i do, i do it for you"

another song..."i finally found someone" nyanyi bareng tante Barbara Straisand *maap kalo salah tulis nama ya tan*
for a wedding theme song bagus nich...setuju?

pokonya bagus2 dech, dengerin aja dech lagu2nya nich
piteys...menikmati I'll always be right there


ree said...

ada lagi tau mid lagu nya yg enak bgt..uumm..apa ya judulnya..*obrak abrik koleksi CD yg 300rb keping itu*..btw..bryan adams ini yg maen pelem juga itu bukan yah..*dihujat massa*...
Udah mid..nyerah..gak tau daku lagunya apaan lg..*kembali becanda dgn pajak*

Anonymous said...

I'll always be right there
by Bryan Adams

I swear to you - I will always be there for you -
Theres nothin I wont do
I promise you - all my life I will live for you - we
Will make it through
Forever - we will be
Together - you and me
Oh n when I hold ya - nothin can compare
With all of my heart - ya know Ill always be - right
I believe in us - nothin else could ever mean so much
Youre the one I trust our time has come - were not two
Now - we are one - ya youre second to none
Forever - we will be
Together - a family
The more I get to know ya - nothin can compare
With all of my heart - ya know Ill always be - right

Forever - we will be
Together - just you and me
The more I get to know ya - the more I really care
With all of my heart - ya know Ill always be...
Ya know I really love ya - ya nothin can compare
For all of my life - ya know Ill always be - right

Btw, ini lagu kesukaan gw waktu masih muda hehehe. Nyanyi sambil gitaran di kelas kalau pas istirahat...(sambil nglamunin doi yang ada di kelas sebelah hehehehe) Oh my God...it's a really cool accoustic...back to the past with all sweet memories hehehehe :)

Anonymous said...

weiss...thank u bgt lyrics nya yah mas tams..hehe..nyanyiin buat sang istri tercinta donk mas..hehe lagi..it is a great love song

buat ree...hmmm...emang kenal ya ma Bang Bryan?yang mana coba?*ngaciiiir*